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Abel Kakuru
Prasanna Jagannathan
Emmanuel Arinaitwe
Humphrey Wanzira
Mary Muhindo
Victor Bigira
Emmanuel Osilo
Jaco Homsy
Moses R. Kamya
Jordan W. Tappero
, and
Grant Dorsey
Restricted access
Shereen Katrak
Maxwell Murphy
Patience Nayebare
John Rek
Mary Smith
Emmanuel Arinaitwe
Joaniter I. Nankabirwa
Moses Kamya
Grant Dorsey
Philip J. Rosenthal
, and
Bryan Greenhouse
Restricted access
Darren Creek
Victor Bigira
Emmanuel Arinaitwe
Humphrey Wanzira
Abel Kakuru
Jordan Tappero
Moses R. Kamya
Grant Dorsey
, and
Taylor G. Sandison
Restricted access
Mark L. Wilson
Donald J. Krogstad
Emmanuel Arinaitwe
Myriam Arevalo-Herrera
Laura Chery
Marcelo U. Ferreira
Daouda Ndiaye
Don P. Mathanga
, and
Alex Eapen
Open access
Joaniter I. Nankabirwa
Emmanuel Arinaitwe
Jessica Briggs
John Rek
Philip J. Rosenthal
Moses R. Kamya
Peter Olwoch
David L. Smith
Isabel Rodriguez-Barraquer
Grant Dorsey
, and
Bryan Greenhouse
Restricted access
Simon P. Kigozi
Emanuele Giorgi
Arthur Mpimbaza
Ruth N. Kigozi
Teun Bousema
Emmanuel Arinaitwe
Joaniter I. Nankabirwa
Catherine M. Sebuguzi
Moses R. Kamya
Sarah G. Staedke
Grant Dorsey
, and
Rachel L. Pullan
Free access
Emmanuel Arinaitwe
Arthur Mpimbaza
Joaniter I. Nankabirwa
Victor Kamya
Alan Asiimwe
Julius K. Kuule
Moses R. Kamya
Chris Drakeley
Grant Dorsey
Philip J. Rosenthal
, and
Sarah G. Staedke
Free access
Lucy S. Tusting
John C. Rek
Emmanuel Arinaitwe
Sarah G. Staedke
Moses R. Kamya
Christian Bottomley
Deborah Johnston
Jo Lines
Grant Dorsey
, and
Steve W. Lindsay
Restricted access
George W. Mbogo
Sheila Nankoberanyi
Stephen Tukwasibwe
Frederick N. Baliraine
Samuel L. Nsobya
Melissa D. Conrad
Emmanuel Arinaitwe
Moses Kamya
Jordan Tappero
Sarah G. Staedke
Grant Dorsey
Bryan Greenhouse
, and
Philip J. Rosenthal
Restricted access
Daniel Ayo
Ismail Onyige
Joseph Okoth
Eric Musasizi
Ambrose Oruni
Jordache Ramjith
Emmanuel Arinaitwe
John C. Rek
Chris Drakeley
Sarah G. Staedke
Martin J. Donnelly
Teun Bousema
Melissa Conrad
, and
Sara Lynn Blanken
Open access