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  • Author or Editor: E. J. Gangarosa x
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Cholera. Its Pathology and Pathogenesis

by S. N. De, M.B., D.T.M. (Calcutta), Ph.D. (London), Professor of Pathology, Medical College, Calcutta, Bacteriologist to the Government of West Bengal. 141 + xii pages, illustrated. Edinburgh and London, Oliver and Boyd, 1961. 25s

E. J. Gangarosa
R. Polliteer
Restricted access
W. E. DeWitt
E. J. Gangarosa
I. Huq
, and
A. Zarifi
Restricted access
E. J. Gangarosa
W. R. Beisel
Chanyo Benyajati
H. Sprinz
, and
Prapont Piyaratn
Restricted access