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  • Author or Editor: D. L. Moore x
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J. B. Familusi
B. O. Osunkoya
D. L. Moore
G. E. Kemp
, and
A. Fabiyi
Restricted access
Mark D Niehaus
Sean R Moore
Peter D Patrick
Lori L Derr
Breyette Lorntz
Aldo A Lima
, and
Richard L Guerrant
Restricted access
Relana Pinkerton
Reinaldo B. Oriá
Aldo A. M. Lima
Elizabeth T. Rogawski
Mônica O. B. Oriá
Peter D. Patrick
Sean R. Moore
Benjamin L. Wiseman
Mark D. Niehaus
, and
Richard L. Guerrant
Restricted access
Laura E. Adams
Matt D. T. Hitchings
Freddy A. Medina
Dania M. Rodriguez
Liliana Sánchez-González
Hannah Moore
Stephen S. Whitehead
Jorge L. Muñoz-Jordán
Vanessa Rivera-Amill
, and
Gabriela Paz-Bailey
Restricted access
Roger S Nasci
Nicholas Komar
Anthony A Marfin
George V Ludwig
Laura D Kramer
Thomas J Daniels
Richard C Falco
Scott R Campbell
Kelsey Brookes
Kristy L Gottfried
Kristen L Burkhalter
Stephen E Aspen
Amy J Kerst
Robert S Lanciotti
, and
Chester G Moore
Restricted access