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  • Author or Editor: Catherine F. Houlihan x
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David M. Brett-Major
Shevin T. Jacob
Frederique A. Jacquerioz
George F. Risi
William A. Fischer II
Yasuyuki Kato
Catherine F. Houlihan
Ian Crozier
Henry Kyobe Bosa
James V. Lawler
Takuya Adachi
Sara K. Hurley
Louise E. Berry
John C. Carlson
Thomas. C. Button
Susan L. McLellan
Barbara J. Shea
Gary G. Kuniyoshi
Mauricio Ferri
Srinivas G. Murthy
Nicola Petrosillo
Francois Lamontagne
David T. Porembka
John S. Schieffelin
Lewis Rubinson
Tim O'Dempsey
Suzanne M. Donovan
Daniel G. Bausch
Robert A. Fowler
, and
Thomas E. Fletcher
Open access