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Atlas of Human Parasitology

2nd ed., by L. R. Ash and T. C. Orihel. 212 pages, illustrated. American Society of Clinical Pathologists Press, Chicago. 1984. $65.00

Steve C. Pan
Restricted access
L. S. Ritchie
G. W. Hunter III
K. Nagano
C. Pan
J. McConnaughey
C. Knox
M. Shimizu
S. Asakura
, and
Y. Hishinuma
Restricted access

Studies on Schistosomiasis

VI. Control of the Snail Host of Schistosomiasis in Japan with Sodium Pentachlorophenate (Santobrite)

George W. Hunter III
R. E. Freytag
L. S. Ritchie
C. Pan
M. Yokagawa
, and
D. E. Potts
Restricted access