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Immunological Studies with Group B Arthropod-Borne Viruses

III. Response of Human Subjects to Revaccination with 17D Strain Yellow Fever Vaccine

Charles L. Wisseman Jr.
Benjamin H. Sweet
Restricted access

Immunological Studies with Group B Arthropod-Borne Viruses

II. Effect of Prior Infection with Japanese Encephalitis Virus on the Viremia in Human Subjects Following Administration of 17D Yellow Fever Vaccine

Benjamin H. Sweet
Charles L. Wisseman Jr.
Masami Kitaoka
, and
Takeo Tamiya
Restricted access

Immunological Studies with Group B Arthropod-Borne Viruses

I. Broadened Neutralizing Antibody Spectrum Induced by Strain 17D Yellow Fever Vaccine in Human Subjects Previously Infected with Japanese Encephalitis Virus

Charles L. Wisseman Jr.
Benjamin H. Sweet
Masami Kitaoka
, and
Takeo Tamiya
Restricted access
Leon Rosen
Lloyd E. Rozeboom
Benjamin H. Sweet
, and
Albert B. Sabin
Full access
Charles L. Wisseman Jr.
Benjamin H. Sweet
Edward C. Rosenzweig
, and
Ollie R. Eylar
Restricted access