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Ary Serpa Neto
William Checkley
Chaisith Sivakorn
Madiha Hashmi
Alfred Papali
Marcus J. Schultz
, and
for the COVID-LMIC Task Force and the Mahidol-Oxford Research Unit (MORU)
Open access
Luigi Pisani
Anna De Nicolo
Marcella Schiavone
Adetunji O. Adeniji
Angela De Palma
Francesco Di Gennaro
Edward Ejiro Emuveyan
Salvatore Grasso
Patricia C. Henwood
Alimamy P. Koroma
Stije Leopold
Claudia Marotta
Giuseppe Marulli
Giovanni Putoto
Enzo Pisani
James Russel
Ary Serpa Neto
Arjen M. Dondorp
Eva Hanciles
Michael M. Koroma
, and
Marcus J. Schultz
Open access
Luigi Pisani
Anna Geke Algera
Ary Serpa Neto
Areef Ahsan
Abigail Beane
Kaweesak Chittawatanarat
Abul Faiz
Rashan Haniffa
Seyed MohammadReza Hashemian
Madiha Hashmi
Hisham Ahmed Imad
Kanishka Indraratna
Shivakumar Iyer
Gyan Kayastha
Bhuvana Krishna
Tai Li Ling
Hassan Moosa
Behzad Nadjm
Rajyabardhan Pattnaik
Sriram Sampath
Louise Thwaites
Ni Ni Tun
Nor’azim Mohd Yunos
Salvatore Grasso
Frederique Paulus
Marcelo Gama de Abreu
Paolo Pelosi
Nick Day
Nicholas J. White
Arjen M. Dondorp
Marcus J. Schultz
, and
for the PRoVENT-iMiC Investigators, MORU, and the PROVE Network
Open access