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Harrison C. Stetler
Frederick L. Trowbridge
, and
Alan Y. Huong
Restricted access
William E. Collins
Jacqueline Cattani
John A. Lourie
Tukutau Taufa
William Anderson
Jimmie C. Skinner
Peggy S. Stanfill
, and
Alan Y. Huong
Restricted access
Ricardo Lujan L.
William E. Collins
Peggy S. Stanfill
Carlos C. Campbell
Richard C. Collins
William Brogdon
, and
Alan Y. Huong
Restricted access
Harrison C. Spencer
William E. Collins
Peggy S. Stanfill
Alan Y. Huong
Ann M. Barber
, and
Peter G. Contacos
Restricted access

The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for Malaria

III. Antibody Response in Documented Plasmodium falciparum Infections

Harrison C. Spencer
William E. Collins
McWilson Warren
Geoffrey M. Jeffery
John Mason
Alan Y. Huong
Peggy S. Stanfill
, and
Jimmie C. Skinner
Restricted access