Prevalence of Chagas Disease among Solid Organ–Transplanted Patients in a Nonendemic Country

Fernando Salvador Department of Infectious Diseases, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;

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Adrián Sánchez-Montalvá Department of Infectious Diseases, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;

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Elena Sulleiro Department of Microbiology, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;

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Francesc Moreso Department of Nephrology, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain;

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Cristina Berastegui Department of Pulmonology and Lung Transplant Unit, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain;

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Mireia Caralt Department of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery and Transplants, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain;

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María-Jesús Pinazo Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Centre for Research in International Health (CRESIB), Hospital Clinic-University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

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Zaira Moure Department of Microbiology, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;

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Ibai Los-Arcos Department of Infectious Diseases, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;

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Oscar Len Department of Infectious Diseases, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;

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Joan Gavaldà Department of Infectious Diseases, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;

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Israel Molina Department of Infectious Diseases, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;

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Reactivation of Chagas disease in the chronic phase may occur after solid organ transplantation, which may result in high parasitemia and severe clinical manifestations such as myocarditis and meningoencephalitis. The aim of the present study is to describe the prevalence of Chagas disease among solid organ–transplanted patients in a tertiary hospital from a nonendemic country. A cross-sectional study was performed at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona, Spain) from April to September 2016. Chagas disease screening was performed through serological tests in adult patients coming from endemic areas that had received solid organ transplantation and were being controlled in our hospital during the study period. Overall, 42 patients were included, 20 (47.6%) were male and median age was 50.5 (23–73) years. Transplanted organs were as follows: 18 kidneys, 17 lungs, and 7 livers. Three patients had Chagas disease, corresponding to a prevalence among this group of solid organ–transplanted patients of 7.1%. All three patients were born in Bolivia, had been diagnosed with Chagas disease and received specific treatment before the organ transplantation. We highly recommend providing screening tests for Chagas disease in patients with or candidates for solid organ transplantation coming from endemic areas, early treatment with benznidazole, and close follow-up to prevent clinical reactivations.

Author Notes

Address correspondence to Israel Molina, Department of Infectious Diseases, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Passeig Vall d’Hebron 119-129, Barcelona 08035, Spain. E-mail:

Financial support: This study was supported by the 6th National Plan (PN) of Research + Development + Innovation (I+D+I) 2008–2011, ISCIII-General Division Networks and Cooperative Research Centres + FEDER funds + Collaborative Research Network on Tropical Diseases (RICET): RD12/0018/0020 and RD12/0018/0010.

Authors’ addresses: Fernando Salvador, Adrián Sánchez-Montalvá, Ibai Los-Arcos, Oscar Len, Joan Gavaldà, and Israel Molina, Department of Infectious Diseases, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, E-mails:,,,,, and Elena Sulleiro and Zaira Moure, Department of Microbiology, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, E-mails: and Francesc Moreso, Department of Nephrology, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, E-mail: Cristina Berastegui, Department of Pulmonology and Lung Transplant Unit, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, E-mail: Mireia Caralt, Department of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery and Transplants, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, E-mail: María-Jesús Pinazo, Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Centre for Research in International Health (CRESIB), Hospital Clinic-University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, E-mail:

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