Volume 8 (1959): Issue 1 (Jan 1959)

Host-Parasite Relationships in Echinococcosis
I. Observations on the Permeability of the Hydatid Cyst Wall
Host-Parasite Relationships in Echinococcosis
II. Age Resistance to Secondary Echinococcosis in the White Mouse
Book Review
Statistical Methodology in Malaria Work
by Satya Swaroop. World Health Organization/HS/58. Rev. 1, 2 September, 1957, 264 pp
Book Review
A Handbook of Animal Physiology
by E. M. Pantelouris. 1st edition, 255 pages, ill. London, Bailliere, Tindall and Cox (Williams & Wilkins Co., U. S. Distributors), 1957, $6.25
Book Review
South African Snake Venoms and Antivenoms
by Poul Agerholm Christensen, M.B., Dip. Bact., 1st edition, 129 pages, ill. Johannesburg, South Africa, The South African Institute for Medical Research, 1955:
Book Review
Clinical and Immunologic Aspects of Fungous Diseases
by J. Walter Wilson, M.D., Los Angeles, California; Clinical Professor of Medicine, Dermatology, University of Southern California; Member and Director, American Board of Dermatology. 1st ed'n, 280 pp., Springfield, Illinois, Charles C Thomas, 1957, $6.75
Book Review
Pharmacologic Principles of Medical Practice
by J. C. Krantz, Jr. and C. J. Carr. 4th edition, 1313 pages. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Company, 1958, $14.00
Book Review
ed. by Heinz Spiess, Göttingen, with the collaboration of F. Hansen, K. Petzelt, W. Schäfer, R. Schindler, O. Vivell, H. Wiesener, R. Wohlrab. 356 + xvi pp., with 41 illustrations, many in color. Stuttgart, George Thieme Verlag; U. S. A. and Canada, Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation, New York 16, New York, 1958. DM56.-, $13.35
Book Review
Non-Venereal Syphilis; A Sociological and Medical Study of Bejel
by Ellis Herndon Hudson, M.D., DTM&H (London), F.A.C.P., Professor and Director of Health, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. 1st edition, 203 pages, illustrated. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Company, 1958, $7.00 (U. S.)
Book Review
An International Nomenclature of Yaws Lesions
(World Health Organization: Monograph Series No. 36) by C. J. Hackett in cooperation with an International Group of Experts on Yaws and participants at the International Conference on Yaws Control, Enugu, Nigeria, 1955. English edition, 104 pages, illustrated. Geneva, W.H.O., 1958. $4.00
Book Review
Intermediate Hosts of Schistosoma: African Biomphalaria and Bulinus
by G. Mandahl-Barth. English edition, 132 pages, ill. Geneva, W. H. O. Monograph Series No. 37, 1958. $4.00
Book Review
Handbuch der Virusforschung
(Handbook of Virology), Vol. 4, edited by Prof. Dr. C. Hallauer, Bern and Prof. Dr. K. F. Meyer, San Francisco. 688 pages, ill. Vienna, Springer-Verlag, 1958, $5.25
Book Review
Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death
World Health Organization, Vol. 1. xli + 393 pages, 1957, $6.75 (2-vol. set price)