Volume 29 (1980): Issue 5 (Sep 1980)

Immune Responses during Human Schistosomiasis Mansoni
VII. Further Analysis of the Interactions between Patient Sera and Lymphocytes during In Vitro Blastogenesis to Schistosome Antigen Preparations
Phaeomycotic Cyst
A Clinicopathologic Study of Twenty-five Patients
Prevention of Scrub Typhus
Prophylactic Administration of Doxycycline in a Randomized Double Blind Trial
Book Review
Biochemistry and Physiology of Protozoa
Volumes 1 and 2, edited by M. Levandowsky and S. H. Hutner. Volume 1, xvi + 471 pages, illustrated; Volume 2, xvi + 509 pages, illustrated. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003. $45 per volume. 1979
Book Review
Diagnosing Helminthiasis Through Coprological Examination
by D. Thienpont, F. Rochette, and O. F. J. Vanparijs. 187 pages, illustrated. Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse, Belgium. Available in French Dutch, Spanish, German and English. 1979. Price is BF 220, payable to Kredietbank no. 550-3157700-52