Volume 27 (1978): Issue 4 (Jul 1978)

Plasmodium Falciparum and Plasmodium Vivax Infections in the Owl Monkey (Aotus Trivirgatus)
III. Methods Employed in the Search for New Blood Schizonticidal Drugs
Book Review
African Folk Medicine: Practices and Beliefs of the Bambara and Other Peoples
by P. J. Imperato. xvii + 236 pages, illustrated. York Press, Inc., 101 East 32nd Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21218. 1977. $16.00
Book Review
Parasitic Protozoa, Volume IV. Babesia, Theileria, Myxosporida, Microsporida, Bartonellaceae, Anaplasmataceae, Ehrlichia, and Pneumocystis
edited by J. P. Kreier. xv + 386 pages, illustrated. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003. 1977. $32.50