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Thomas P. Monath
Open access

Rift Valley Fever: An Emerging Human and Animal Problem

69 pages. World Health Organization, Geneva (WHO Offset Publication, No. 63). 1982. Sw. fr. 6. French and Arabic editions in preparation

Thomas P. Monath
Restricted access

Contributions to Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Series Editor, M. A. Klingberg. Vol. 3 Rift Valley Fever, Volume Editors, N. Goldblum, T. A. Swartz and M. A. Klingberg. xii + 196 pages. S. Karger AG. 1981. $49.75

Thomas P. Monath
Restricted access
Thomas P. Monath
Theodore F. Tsai
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Thomas P. Monath
Robert R. Nystrom
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