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  • Author or Editor: Thomas E. Frothingham x
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Thomas E. Frothingham
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Prevention of Embryonic, Fetal, and Perinatal Disease

edited by Robert L. Brent and Maureen I. Harris. xi + 411 pages, illustrated. Fogarty International Center Series on Preventive Medicine, Volume 3, DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 76–853, for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 1976. $8.20

Thomas E. Frothingham
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Epidemic Disease in Ghana 1901–1960

by David Scott, O.B.E., M.A., M.D. (Cantab.), D.P.H. (London), D.T.M. and H. (Liverpool), formerly Specialist Epidemiologist, Ministry of Health, Ghana, and in charge of Medical Field Units. xviii + 208 pages, illustrated. Oxford University Press, London, New York, Toronto. 1965. 35/- net

Thomas E. Frothingham
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Primary Child Care: a Manual for Health Workers

by M. King, F. King, and S. Martodipoero. xi + 315 pages, illustrated. Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. 1978. $5.95

Thomas E. Frothingham
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Thomas E. Frothingham
Ellen Lehtimaki
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Debhanom Muangman
Thomas E. Frothingham
, and
Andrew Spielman
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