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  • Author or Editor: R. W. Gwadz x
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Restricted access
Frank B. Cogswell
Wojciech A. Krotoski
Michael R. Hollingdale
, and
Robert W. Gwadz
Restricted access
T. R. Burkot
F. Zavala
R. W. Gwadz
F. H. Collins
R. S. Nussenzweig
, and
D. R. Roberts
Restricted access

Observations on Early and Late Post-Sporozoite Tissue Stages in Primate Malaria

IV. Pre-Erythrocytic Schizonts and/or Hypnozoites of Chesson and North Korean Strains of Plasmodium Vivax in the Chimpanzee

W. A. Krotoski
P. C. C. Garnham
F. B. Cogswell
W. E. Collins
R. S. Bray
R. W. Gwadz
R. Killick-Kendrick
R. H. Wolf
R. Sinden
M. Hollingdale
R. C. Lowrie Jr.
L. C. Koontz
, and
P. S. Stanfill
Restricted access
F. H. Collins
F. Zavala
P. M. Graves
A. H. Cochrane
R. W. Gwadz
J. Akoh
, and
R. S. Nussenzweig
Restricted access
W. A. Krotoski
W. E. Collins
R. S. Bray
P. C. C. Garnham
F. B. Cogswell
R. W. Gwadz
R. Killick-Kendrick
R. Wolf
R. Sinden
L. C. Koontz
, and
P. S. Stanfill
Restricted access

Observations on Early and Late Post-Sporozoite Tissue Stages in Primate Malaria

II. The hypnozoite of Plasmodium cynomolgi bastianellii from 3 to 105 Days After Infection, and Detection of 36- to 40-Hour Pre-Erythrocytic Forms

W. A. Krotoski
R. S. Bray
P. C. C. Garnham
R. W. Gwadz
R. Killick-Kendrick
C. C. Draper
G. A. T. Targett
D. M. Krotoski
M. W. Guy
L. C. Koontz
, and
F. B. Cogswell
Restricted access