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  • Author or Editor: R Guderian x
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A L Bañuls
R Jonquieres
F Guerrini
F Le Pont
C Barrera
I Espinel
R Guderian
R Echeverria
, and
M Tibayrenc
Restricted access
J. P. Dujardin
F. Le Pont
M. Cruz
R. Leon
F. Tarrieu
R. Guderian
R. Echeverria
, and
M. Tibayrenc
Restricted access
J. E. Bradley
K. R. Trenholme
A. J. Gillespie
R. Guderian
V. Titanji
Y. Hong
, and
L. McReynolds
Restricted access
A Corredor
R S Nicholls
S Duque
P Munoz de Hoyos
C A Alvarez
R H Guderian
H H Lopez
, and
G I Palma
Restricted access
R. H. Guderian
M. E. Chico
M. D. Rogers
K. M. Pattishall
M. Grogl
, and
J. D. Berman
Restricted access
Ángel Guevara
Esteban Salazar
Yosselin Vicuña
Hassan K. Hassan
Antonio Muro
Ronald Guderian
Philip J. Cooper
, and
Thomas R. Unnasch
Free access