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  • Author or Editor: L. S. Ritchie x
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H. F. Hsü
S. Y. Li Hsü
, and
L. S. Ritchie
Restricted access
Yuri Otori
L. S. Ritchie
, and
G. W. Hunter III
Restricted access

Studies on Schistosomiasis

VII. Observations on Some Surfactants for Dispersing Insoluble Molluscicides

Robert E. Freytag
G. W. Hunter III
, and
L. S. Ritchie
Restricted access
Chiatung Pan
R. R. Williams
, and
L. S. Ritchie
Restricted access
David H. Naimark
A. S. Benenson
J. Oliver-González
D. B. McMullen
, and
L. S. Ritchie
Restricted access
Restricted access
L. S. Ritchie
S. Lin
A. P. Moon
L. P. Frick
J. E. Williams
S. Asakura
, and
Y. Hishinuma
Restricted access
Wilda B. Knight
Robert A. Hiatt
Barnett L. Cline
, and
Lawrence S. Ritchie
Restricted access
M L Sanders
D C Jaworski
J L Sanchez
R F DeFraites
G E Glass
A L Scott
S Raha
B C Ritchie
G R Needham
, and
B S Schwartz
Restricted access