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  • Author or Editor: Jose Luis Ramirez x
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Francisco Paniagua
José Luis Garcés
Carlos Granados
Alberto Zúñiga
Miguel Ramírez
, and
Liliana Jimenez
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Carmina Galaviz-Aboytes
Luis Antonio Ochoa-Ramírez
José Alejandro Alzate-Moctezuma
Efrén Rafael Ríos-Burgueño
José Rodríguez-Millán
, and
Jesús Salvador Velarde-Félix
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Andrea González
Carolina Valck
Gittith Sánchez
Steffen Härtel
Jorge Mansilla
Galia Ramírez
María Soledad Fernández
José Luis Arias
Norbel Galanti
, and
Arturo Ferreira
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Álvaro A. Faccini-Martínez
Alejandro Ramírez-Hernández
Christian Barreto
Elkin Forero-Becerra
Diego Millán
Elkin Valbuena
Andrea C. Sánchez-Alfonso
Wilson O. Imbacuán-Pantoja
Jesús A. Cortés-Vecino
Luis J. Polo-Terán
Néstor Yaya-Lancheros
Jorge Jácome
Ana M. Palomar
Sonia Santibáñez
Aránzazu Portillo
José A. Oteo
, and
Marylin Hidalgo
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