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  • Author or Editor: Jeffrey P. Koplan x
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Smallpox Vaccination Revisited

Some Observations on the Biology of Vaccinia

Jeffrey P. Koplan
Keith I. Marton
Restricted access
Fernando Quinones
Jeffrey P. Koplan
Lennox Pike
Frank Staine
, and
Libero Ajello
Restricted access
Trenton K. Ruebush II
Rodolfo Zeissig
Jeffrey P. Koplan
Robert E. Klein
, and
Hector A. Godoy
Restricted access
Tamer H. Farag
Jeffrey P. Koplan
Robert F. Breiman
Shabir A. Madhi
Penny M. Heaton
Trevor Mundel
Jaume Ordi
Quique Bassat
Clara Menendez
, and
Scott F. Dowell
Open access