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  • Author or Editor: J. K. Nayar x
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Control of Lymphatic Filariasis: a Manual for Health Personnel

by the World Health Organization. 89 pages, illustrated. World Health Organization, Geneva 27, Switzerland. 1987. $9.00

J. K. Nayar
A. C. Vickery
, and
B. H. Kwa
Restricted access
Albert L. Vincent
Ann C. Vickery
J. K. Nayar
Donald M. Sauerman
, and
B. G. Yangco
Restricted access
U. R. Rao
A. C. Vickery
B. H. Kwa
, and
J. K. Nayar
Restricted access
Richard B. Crandall
Catherine A. Crandall
Stephen A. Hines
Thomas J. Doyle
, and
Jai K. Nayar
Restricted access