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  • Author or Editor: Idrissa Talla x
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Monique N'Diaye
Elhadji M. Dioukhane
Babacar Ndao
Kemo Diedhiou
Lamine Diawara
Idrissa Talla
Charlotte Vernet
François Bessin
Dominique Barbier
Patrick Dewavrin
Francis Klotz
, and
Pierre Georges
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Yazdan Yazdanpanah
Anna K. Thomas
Ruediger Kardorff
Idrissa Talla
Seydou Sow
Malick Niang
Foekje F. Stelma
Christophe Decam
Francois Rogerie
Bruno Gryseels
Andre Capron
, and
Ekkehard Doehring
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Ruediger Kardorff
Foekje F. Stelma
Anna-K. Vocke
Yazdan Yazdanpanah
Anna K. Thomas
Amadou Mbaye
Idrissa Talla
Malick Niang
Jochen H. H. Ehrich
Ekkehard Doehring
, and
Bruno Gryseels
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Hedible Gildas Boris
Dieng Idrissa
Senghor Marie Louise
Talla Cheikh
Barry Mamadou Aliou
Diène Sarr Fatoumata
Grant Rebecca
Bercion Raymond
Thiam Diamilatou
Richard Vincent
Faye Oumar
Seck Abdoulaye
, and
Vray Muriel
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