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  • Author or Editor: D. C. Gajdusek x
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Studies on Kuru

II. Serum Proteins in Natives from the Kuru Region of New Guinea

C. C. Curtain
D. C. Gajdusek
, and
V. Zigas
Restricted access
C. C. Curtain
D. C. Gajdusek
C. Kidson
J. Gorman
L. Champness
, and
R. Rodrigue
Restricted access
C. C. Curtain
D. C. Gajdusek
C. Kidson
J. Gorman
L. Champness
, and
R. Rodrigue
Restricted access

Immunological Reactions in Kuru

Attempts to Demonstrate Serological Relationships between Kuru and other Known Infectious Agents

R. J. Benfante
R. D. Traub
K. A. Lim
J. Hooks
C. J. Gibbs Jr.
, and
D. C. Gajdusek
Restricted access
R. Yanagihara
C.-T. Chin
M. B. Weiss
D. C. Gajdusek
A. R. Diwan
J. B. Poland
K. T. Kleeman
C. M. Wilfert
G. Meiklejohn
, and
W. P. Glezen
Restricted access