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  • Author or Editor: Amy R. L. Rule x
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Amy R. L. Rule
Stephen Warrick
David W. Rule
Sabrina M. Butteris
Sarah A. Webber
Lynne Smith
, and
Chuck Schubert
Restricted access
Heather Haq
Amy R. L. Rule
Alexandra Coria
Lineo K. Thahane
Regina M. Duperval
Adelaide Barnes
Tania Condurache
Kathy Ferrer
Michelle J. Shenoy
Joanne Mendoza
, and
Christiana M. Russ
Restricted access
Kathleen K. Miller
Amy R. L. Rule
Rachel Bensman
Sabrina Butteris
Laura Houser
Caitlin Kaeppler
Stephanie M. Lauden
Michael B. Pitt
Nicole E. St Clair
Kristin Van Ganderen
, and
Carmen Cobb
Restricted access
Megan S. McHenry
Reena P. Tam
Amira A. Nafiseh
Mary Ann Etling
Adelaide E. Barnes
Amy R. L. Rule
Heather L. Crouse
Heather Haq
Lee E. Morris
Brittany L. Murray
Lisa A. Umphrey
, and
Elizabeth M. Keating
Open access