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  • Author or Editor: Barry Fields x
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Kathleen N. Ly
Andrea A. Kim
Jan Drobeniuc
Maja Kodani
Joel M. Montgomery
Barry S. Fields
, and
Eyasu H. Teshale
Restricted access
Christine Hercik
Leonard Cosmas
Ondari D. Mogeni
Newton Wamola
Wanze Kohi
Eric Houpt
Jie Liu
Caroline Ochieng
Clayton Onyango
Barry Fields
Sayoki Mfinanga
, and
Joel M. Montgomery
Open access
Alastair I. Matheson
Ondari D. Mogeni
Joshua R. Lacsina
Melvin Ochieng
Allan Audi
Godfrey Bigogo
John Neatherlin
Harold S. Margolis
Barry Fields
Petronella Ahenda
Judd L. Walson
, and
Joel M. Montgomery
Free access
Abyot Bekele Woyessa
Victor Omballa
David Wang
Amy Lambert
Lilian Waiboci
Workenesh Ayele
Abdi Ahmed
Negga Asamene Abera
Song Cao
Melvin Ochieng
Joel M. Montgomery
Daddi Jima
, and
Barry Fields
Restricted access
Gedi A. Mohamed
Jamal A. Ahmed
Nina Marano
Abdinoor Mohamed
Edna Moturi
Wagacha Burton
Samora Otieno
Barry Fields
Joel Montgomery
Willy Kabugi
Hashim Musa
, and
Susan T. Cookson
Restricted access
Kathleen N. Ly
Andrea A. Kim
Mamo Umuro
Jan Drobenuic
John M. Williamson
Joel M. Montgomery
Barry S. Fields
, and
Eyasu H. Teshale
Restricted access
Wendy P. O'Meara
Joshua A. Mott
Jeremiah Laktabai
Kabura Wamburu
Barry Fields
Janice Armstrong
Steve M. Taylor
Charles MacIntyre
Reeshi Sen
Diana Menya
William Pan
Bradly P. Nicholson
Christopher W. Woods
, and
Thomas L. Holland
Restricted access
Victor O. Omballa
Raymond N. Musyoka
Amy Y. Vittor
Kabura B. Wamburu
Cyrus M. Wachira
Lilian W. Waiboci
Mamo U. Abudo
Bonventure W. Juma
Andrea A. Kim
Joel M. Montgomery
Robert F. Breiman
, and
Barry S. Fields
Open access
Eric Ng’eno
Margaret Lind
Allan Audi
Alice Ouma
Clifford Oduor
Patrick K. Munywoki
George O. Agogo
George Odongo
Samuel Kiplangat
Newton Wamola
Mike Powel Osita
Robert Mugoh
Caroline Ochieng
Victor Omballa
Ondari D. Mogeni
Matthew Mikoleit
Barry S. Fields
Joel M. Montgomery
Jillian Gauld
Robert F. Breiman
Bonventure Juma
Elizabeth Hunsperger
Marc-Alain Widdowson
Godfrey Bigogo
Eric D. Mintz
, and
Jennifer R. Verani
Open access