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Restricted access
Mohamed M. A. Salama
William S. Aronstein
Judith B. Weiss
, and
Mette Strand
Restricted access
William S. Romoser
Michael E. Faran
Charles L. Bailey
, and
Kriangkrai Lerdthusnee
Restricted access
Norman C. Reese
William L. Current
John V. Ernst
, and
W. S. Bailey
Restricted access
Mohamed F. Abdel-Wahab
Kendall G. Powers
Samiha S. Mahmoud
, and
William C. Good
Restricted access
Anna V. Nakauyaca
Anna P. Ralph
William S. Majoni
, and
Nadarajah Kangaharan
Restricted access

Echo Virus Type 13

II. Epidemiologic Aspects and Clinical Associations

William McD. Hammon
David S. Yohn
Rose A. Pavia
, and
Gladys E. Sather
Restricted access
William E. Collins
McWilson Warren
Joann S. Sullivan
, and
John W. Barnwell
Restricted access
Martin D. Young
Geoffrey M. Jeffery
William G. Morehouse
Joe E. Freed
, and
Ruth S. Johnson
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Restricted access