Case Report: Subcutaneous Ivermectin Pharmacokinetics in Disseminated Strongyloides Infection: Plasma and Postmortem Analysis

Pamela Konecny St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia;
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;

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Christopher J. Weatherall St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia;
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;

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Suman Adhikari St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia;
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Johan Duflou Forensic Medicine Associates P/L, Sydney, Australia;
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia;

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Veli Marjoniemi St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia;
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Carel J. Pretorius Pathology Queensland, Brisbane, Australia;
School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

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Brett McWhinney Pathology Queensland, Brisbane, Australia;

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Parenteral ivermectin treatment of disseminated strongyloidiasis and hyperinfection is increasing, although not licensed in humans and with limited pharmacokinetic data available. Plasma and postmortem tissue analysis in an human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/hepatitis C virus–positive man with disseminated strongyloidiasis suggests loading subcutaneous ivermectin doses are required, from which the central nervous system is protected.

Author Notes

Address correspondence to Pamela Konecny, Department of Infectious Diseases, Immunology and Sexual Health, St. George Hospital, 2 South St., Sydney 2217, New South Wales, Australia. E-mail:

Authors’ addresses: Pamela Konecny and Christopher J. Weatherall, Department of Infectious Diseases, Immunology and Sexual Health, St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia, E-mails: and Suman Adhikari, Department of Pharmacy, St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia, E-mail: Johan Duflou, Forensic Medicine Associates P/L, Sydney, Australia, E-mail: Veli Marjoniemi, Department of Anatomical Pathology, St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia, E-mail: Carel J. Pretorius and Brett McWhinney, Pathology Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, E-mails: and

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