FTA Cards Facilitate Storage, Shipment, and Detection of Arboviruses in Infected Aedes aegypti Collected in Adult Mosquito Traps

Sonja Hall-Mendelin Public Health Virology, Forensic and Scientific Services, Department of Health, Queensland Government, Coopers Plains, Australia.

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Glen R. Hewitson Public Health Virology, Forensic and Scientific Services, Department of Health, Queensland Government, Coopers Plains, Australia.

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Doris Genge Public Health Virology, Forensic and Scientific Services, Department of Health, Queensland Government, Coopers Plains, Australia.

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Peter J. Burtonclay Public Health Virology, Forensic and Scientific Services, Department of Health, Queensland Government, Coopers Plains, Australia.

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Amanda J. De Jong Public Health Virology, Forensic and Scientific Services, Department of Health, Queensland Government, Coopers Plains, Australia.

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Alyssa T. Pyke Public Health Virology, Forensic and Scientific Services, Department of Health, Queensland Government, Coopers Plains, Australia.

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Andrew F. van den Hurk Public Health Virology, Forensic and Scientific Services, Department of Health, Queensland Government, Coopers Plains, Australia.

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The utility of applying infected Aedes aegypti to Flinders Technology Associates (FTA®) cards for storage, transport, and detection of dengue, Zika, and Barmah Forest viruses was assessed in laboratory-based experiments. The mosquitoes had been removed from Gravid Aedes Traps maintained under conditions of high temperature and humidity. RNA of all viruses could be detected in infected mosquitoes on FTA cards either individually or in pools with uninfected mosquitoes, and stored for up to 28 days. Importantly, there was only a minimal decrease in RNA levels in mosquitoes between days 0 and 28, indicating that viral RNA was relatively stable on the cards. FTA cards thus provide a mechanism for storing potentially infected mosquitoes collected in the field and transporting them to a central diagnostic facility for virus detection.

Author Notes

* Address correspondence to Andrew F. van den Hurk, Public Health Virology, Forensic and Scientific Services, Department of Health, Queensland Government, P.O. Box 594, Archerfield, Queensland 4108, Australia. E-mail: andrew.vandenhurk@health.qld.gov.au

Authors' addresses: Sonja Hall-Mendelin, Glen R. Hewitson, Doris Genge, Peter J. Burtonclay, Amanda J. De Jong, Alyssa T. Pyke, and Andrew F. van den Hurk, Public Health Virology, Forensic and Scientific Services, Department of Health, Queensland Government, Coopers Plains, Australia, E-mails: Sonja.Hall-Mendelin@health.qld.gov.au, Glen.Hewitson@health.qld.gov.au, Doris.Genge@health.qld.gov.au, Peter.Burtonclay@health.qld.gov.au, Amanda.DeJong@health.qld.gov.au, Alyssa.Pyke@health.qld.gov.au, and andrew.vandenhurk@health.qld.gov.au.

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