Malaria Incidence and Prevalence Among Children Living in a Peri-Urban Area on the Coast of Benin, West Africa: A Longitudinal Study

Alain Nahum Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, Cotonou, BƩnin; Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; HƓpital de Zone, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin; Laboratoire de Parasitologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, Cotonou, BƩnin

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Annette Erhart Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, Cotonou, BƩnin; Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; HƓpital de Zone, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin; Laboratoire de Parasitologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, Cotonou, BƩnin

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Ambroisine MayƩ Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, Cotonou, BƩnin; Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; HƓpital de Zone, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin; Laboratoire de Parasitologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, Cotonou, BƩnin

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Daniel Ahounou Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, Cotonou, BƩnin; Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; HƓpital de Zone, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin; Laboratoire de Parasitologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, Cotonou, BƩnin

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Chantal van Overmeir Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, Cotonou, BƩnin; Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; HƓpital de Zone, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin; Laboratoire de Parasitologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, Cotonou, BƩnin

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Joris Menten Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, Cotonou, BƩnin; Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; HƓpital de Zone, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin; Laboratoire de Parasitologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, Cotonou, BƩnin

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Harry van Loen Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, Cotonou, BƩnin; Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; HƓpital de Zone, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin; Laboratoire de Parasitologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, Cotonou, BƩnin

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Martin Akogbeto Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, Cotonou, BƩnin; Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; HƓpital de Zone, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin; Laboratoire de Parasitologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, Cotonou, BƩnin

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Marc Coosemans Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, Cotonou, BƩnin; Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; HƓpital de Zone, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin; Laboratoire de Parasitologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, Cotonou, BƩnin

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Achille Massougbodji Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, Cotonou, BƩnin; Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; HƓpital de Zone, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin; Laboratoire de Parasitologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, Cotonou, BƩnin

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Umberto D'Alessandro Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou, Cotonou, BƩnin; Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; HƓpital de Zone, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin; Laboratoire de Parasitologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, Cotonou, BƩnin

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Clinical malaria incidence was determined over 18 months in a cohort of 553 children living in a peri-urban area near Cotonou. Three cross-sectional surveys were also carried out. Malaria incidence showed a marked seasonal distribution with two peaks: the first corresponding to the long rainy season, and the second corresponding to the overflowing of Lake Nokoue. The overall Plasmodium falciparum incidence rate was estimated at 84/1,000 person-months, and its prevalence was estimated at over 40% in the two first surveys and 68.9% in the third survey. Multivariate analysis showed that girls and people living in closed houses had a lower risk of clinical malaria. Bed net use was associated with a lower risk of malaria infection. Conversely, children of families owing a pirogue were at higher risk of clinical malaria. Considering the high pyrethroids resistance, indoor residual spraying with either a carbamate or an organophospate insecticide may have a major impact on the malaria burden.

Author Notes

*Address correspondence to Alain Nahum, Centre de Recherches Entomologique de Cotonou, (CREC), 06 BP 2604, Cotonou, RĆ©publique du BĆ©nin. E-mail:

Financial support: This study was funded by the Benin Ministry of Health through the Population Health Project.

Authors' addresses: Alain Nahum, Daniel Ahounou, and Martin Akogbeto, Centre de Recherches Entomologique de Cotonou (CREC), 06 BP 2604, Cotonou, RƩpublique du BƩnin, E-mails:,, and Ambroisine N. Maye, HƓpital de Zone, BP1673, Abomey-Calavi, BƩnin, E-mail: Achille Massougbodji, UnitƩ d'Enseignement de Recherche en Parasitologie-Mycologie, FacultƩ des Sciences de la SantƩ, UniversitƩ Nationale du BƩnin, BP 188 Cotonou, RƩpublique du BƩnin, E-mail: Annette Erhart, Chantal Van Overmeir, Joris Menten, Harry Van Loen, Marc Coosemans, and Umberto D'Alessandro, Department of Parasitology, Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, B-2000, Antwerp, Belgium, E-mails:,,,,, and

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