ELIZABETH S. HIGGS National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

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BARBARA SINA National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

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Author Notes

  • 1

    Mendis K, Sina BJ, Marchesini P, Carter R, 2001. The neglected burden of Plasmodium vivax malaria. Am J Trop Med Hyg 64 :97–106.

  • 2

    PAHO, 2003. Informe de la situación de los programas de malaria en las Américas. CD44/INF/3.

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  • 3

    Snow RW, Guerra CA, Noor AM, Myint HY, Hay SI, 2005. The global distribution of clinical episodes of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Nature 434 :214–221.

  • 4

    Ballou RW, Arevalo-Herrera M, Carucci D, Richie Th, Corradin G, Digg C, Druilhe P, Giersing BK, Saul A, Heppner DG, Kester KE, Lanar DE, Lyon J, Hill AVS, Pan W, Cohen DJ, 2004. Update on the clinical development of candidate malaria vaccines. Am Trop Med & Hyg 71 :239–247.

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  • 5

    Arevalo-Herrera M, Herrera S, 2001. Plasmodium vivax malaria vaccine development. Mol Immunol 38 :443–455.

  • 6

    Malkin EM, Durbin AP, Diemert DJ, Sattabongkot J, Wu Y, Miura K, Long CA, Lambert L, Miles AP, Wang J, Stowers A, Miller LH, Saul A, 2005. Phase 1 vaccine trial of Pvs25H: a transmission blocking vaccine for Plasmodium vivax malaria. Vaccine 24 :3131–3138.

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  • 7

    Dutta S, Kaushal DC, Ware LA, Puri SK, Kausal NA, Narula A, Upadhyaya DS, Lanar DE, 2005. Merozoite surface protein 1 of Plasmodium vivax induces a protective response against Plasmodium cynomolgi challenge in Rhesus monkeys. Infect Immun 73 :5936–5944.

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  • 8

    Herrera S, Bonelo A, Perlaza BL, Valencia A, Cifuentes C, Hurtado S, Quintero G, Lopez JA, Corradin G, Arévalo-Herrera M, 2004. Use of long synthetic peptides to study the antigenicity and immunogenicity of the Plasmodium vivax Circum-sporozoite protein. Int J Parasitol 34 :1535–1546.

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  • 9

    Herrera S, Perlaza BL, Bonelo A, Arevalo-Herrera M, 2002. Aotus monkeys: their great value for anti malaria vaccines and drug testing. Int J Parasitol 32 :1625–1635.

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  • 10

    Wang R, Arevalo-Herrera M, Gardner MJ, Bonelo A, Carlton JM, Gomez A, Vera O, Soto L, Vergara J, Bidwell SL, Domingo A, Fraser CM, Herrera S, 2005. Immune responses to Plasmodium vivax pre-erythrocytic stage antigens in naturally exposed Duffy-negative humans: a potential model for identification of liver-stage antigens. Eur J Immunol 35 :1859–1868.

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