Simon I. Hay Department of Zoology
 Tinbergen Building
 University of Oxford
 South Parks Road
 Oxford OX1 3PS, United Kingdom
 and Centre for Geographic Medicine KEMRI
 P.O. Box 43640
 00100, Nairobi GPO, Kenya
 Telephone: 44-1865-271-243
 Fax: 44-1865-271-243

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Andrew J. Tatem Department of Zoology
 Tinbergen Building
 University of Oxford
 South Parks Road
 Oxford OX1 3PS, United Kingdom
 and Centre for Geographic Medicine KEMRI
 P.O. Box 43640
 00100, Nairobi GPO, Kenya
 Telephone: 44-1865-271-243
 Fax: 44-1865-271-243

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Author Notes

  • 1

    Caldas de Castro M, Yamagata Y, Mtasiwa D, Tanner M, Utzinger J, Keiser J, Singer BH, 2004. Integrated urban malaria control: a case study in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Am J Trop Med Hyg 71 (2 Suppl):103–117.

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  • 2

    Keiser J, Utzinger J, Caldas de Castro M, Smith TA, Tanner M, Singer BH, 2004. Urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa and implication for malaria control. Am J Trop Med Hyg 71 (2 Suppl):118–127.

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  • 3

    Breman JG, Alilio MS, Mills A, 2004. Conquering the intolerable burden of malaria: what’s new, what’s needed: a summary. Am J Trop Med Hyg 71 (2 Suppl):1–15.

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  • 4

    Hay SI, Packer MJ, Rogers DJ, 1997. The impact of remote sensing on the study and control of invertebrate intermediate host and vectors for disease. Int J Remote Sens 18 :2899–2930.

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  • 5

    Hay SI, Tucker CJ, Rogers DJ, Packer MJ, 1996. Remotely sensed surrogates of meteorological data for the study of the distribution and abundance of arthropod vectors of disease. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 90 :1–19.

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  • 6

    Hay SI, Snow RW, Rogers DJ, 1998. From predicting mosquito habitat to malaria seasons using remotely sensed data: practice, problems and perspectives. Parasitol Today 14 :306–313.

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  • 7

    Hay SI, 2000. An overview of remote sensing and geodesy for epidemiology and public health application. Adv Parasitol 47 :1–35.

  • 8

    Rogers DJ, Randolph SE, Snow RW, Hay SI, 2002. Satellite imagery in the study and forecast of malaria. Nature 415 :710–715.

  • 9

    Hay SI, Omumbo JA, Craig MH, Snow RW, 2000. Earth observation, geographic information systems and Plasmodium falciparum malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Adv Parasitol 47 :173–215.

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  • 10

    deLoor GP, 1983. The dielectric properties of wet materials. IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens 21 :364–369.

  • 11

    Tatem AJ, Noor AM, Hay SI, 2004. Defining approaches to settlement mapping for public health management in Kenya using medium spatial resolution satellite imagery. Remote Sens Environ 93 :42–52.

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  • 12

    Tatem AJ, Hay SI, 2004. Measuring urbanization pattern and extent for malaria research: a review of remote sensing approaches. J Urban Health 81 :363–376.

  • 13

    Eisele TP, Keating J, Swalm C, Mbogo CM, Githeko AK, Regens JL, Githure JI, Andrews L, Beier JC, 2003. Linking field-based ecological data with remotely sensed data using a geographic information system in two malaria endemic urban areas of Kenya. Malaria J 2 :44.

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  • 14

    Elvidge C, Hobson VR, Nelson IL, Safran JM, Tuttle BT, Dietz JB, Baugh K, 2003. Overview of DMSP OLS and scope of applications. Mesev V, ed. Remotely Sensed Cities. London: Taylor and Francis, 281–299.

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  • 15

    Schneider A, Friedl MA, McIver DK, Woodcock CE, 2003. Mapping urban areas by fusing multiple sources of coarse resolution remotely sensed data. Photogrammetric Eng Remote Sens 69 :1377–1386.

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  • 16

    Sutton P, Roberts D, Elvidge C, Baugh K, 2001. Census from Heaven: an estimate of the global human population using night-time satellite imagery. Int J Remote Sens 22 :3061–3076.

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  • 17

    Sutton P, 2003. A scale-adjusted measure of “urban sprawl” using nighttime satellite imagery. Remote Sens Environ 86 :353–369.

  • 18

    Tatem AJ, Noor AM, Hay SI, 2005. Accuracy of urban area delineation using remotely-sensed imagery in Kenya. Remote Sens Environ: (in press).

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  • 19

    Balk D, Yetman G, 2004. The Global Distribution of Population: Evaluating the Gains in Resolution Refinement. New York: Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network.

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  • 20

    CIESIN/IPFRI/CIAT, 2004. Global Rural Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP): Gridded Population of the World, Version 3, with Urban Reallocation (GPW-UR). Palisades, NY: Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)/International Food Policy Research Institute (IPFRI)/The World Bank/Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT).

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