ANTHONY W. SWEENEY Institute for the Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases, University of Technology Sydney, Gore Hill, New South Wales, Australia; Darling Point New South Wales, Australia; Army Malaria Institute, Enoggera, Queensland, Australia

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CHARLES R. B. BLACKBURN Institute for the Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases, University of Technology Sydney, Gore Hill, New South Wales, Australia; Darling Point New South Wales, Australia; Army Malaria Institute, Enoggera, Queensland, Australia

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KARL H. RIECKMANN Institute for the Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases, University of Technology Sydney, Gore Hill, New South Wales, Australia; Darling Point New South Wales, Australia; Army Malaria Institute, Enoggera, Queensland, Australia

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It was reported in 1946 that the administration of pamaquine during the incubation period delayed but did not prevent primary attacks of a New Guinea strain of Plasmodium vivax malaria. The observation that none of the four test subjects in this study had relapses has not previously been published and may have important implications for the evaluation of other 8-aminoquinoline compounds against relapsing vivax malaria.

Author Notes

Reprint requests: Anthony W. Sweeney, Institute for the Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases, University of Technology Sydney, West-bourne Street, Gore Hill, New South Wales 2065, Australia.
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