MOHAMED S. ABDEL-LATIF Department of Parasitology, Institute for Tropical Medicine, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; Medical Research Unit, Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Lambaréné, Gabon

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GERARDO CABRERA Department of Parasitology, Institute for Tropical Medicine, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; Medical Research Unit, Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Lambaréné, Gabon

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CARSTEN KÖHLER Department of Parasitology, Institute for Tropical Medicine, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; Medical Research Unit, Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Lambaréné, Gabon

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PETER G. KREMSNER Department of Parasitology, Institute for Tropical Medicine, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; Medical Research Unit, Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Lambaréné, Gabon

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ADRIAN J. F. LUTY Department of Parasitology, Institute for Tropical Medicine, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; Medical Research Unit, Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Lambaréné, Gabon

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We used a pool of recombinant rifin proteins to pre-adsorb antibodies to rifin in the plasma of semi-immune African (Gabonese) adults and showed that this results in a reduction in the level of IgG antibody reactivity to variant surface antigens (VSA) measured in a standardized flow cytometric assay with a panel of heterologous parasite isolates. The same methods demonstrated a similar but less-marked contribution of antibodies to the duffy binding-like 1α (DBL-1α ) domain to the overall anti-VSA response. Thus, we conclude that both antibodies to rifin and, to a lesser extent, antibodies directed to conserved regions of the Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) DBL-1α domain contribute to the overall antibody response to VSA. We also assessed the associations between these different antibody responses in a cohort of Gabonese children. We found marked differences related to the childrens’ history of presentation with either mild or severe malaria, but no consistent pattern that would indicate a specific role or influence of antibody responses to rifin.

Author Notes

Reprint requests: Adrian J. F. Luty, Department of Parasitology, Institute for Tropical Medicine, University of Tübingen, Wilhelmstrasse 27, 72074 Tübingen, Germany, Telephone: 49-7071-2980228, Fax: 49-7071-295189, E-mail:
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