F. E. McKenzie Fogarty International Center
 National Institutes of Health
 Bethesda, MD 20892
 Telephone: 302-496-2147
 Fax: 301-496-8496

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  • 1

    Scott CP, Kumar N, Bishai WR, Manabe YC, 2004. Short report: modification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by Plasmodium in the murine model. Am J Trop Med Hyg 70 :144–148.

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  • 2

    Coggeshall LT, Kumm HW, 1938. Effect of repeated superinfection upon the potency of immune serum of monkeys harboring chronic infections of Plasmodium knowlesi. J Exp Med 68 :17–27.

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  • 3

    Singh JP, Ray AP, Nair CP, 1956. Relationship of tuberculosis on the course and intensity of plasmodial infections in M. mulatta.Indian J Malariol 10 :3–10.

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  • 4

    Bazaz-Malik G, 1973. Increased resistance to malaria after Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Indian J Med Res 61 :1014–1024.

  • 5

    Freund J, Thomson KJ, Sommer HE, Walter AW, Pisani TM, 1948. Immunization of monkeys against malaria by means of killed parasites with adjuvants. Am J Trop Med 28 :1–22.

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