Current Therapy 1957

edited by Howard F. Conn, M.D. Consulting Editors: George E. Burch; M. Edward Davis; Vincent J. Derbes; Garfield G. Duncan; Hugh J. Jewett; Perrin H. Long; Clarence S. Livingood; H. Houston Merritt; Walter L. Palmer; Hobart A. Reimann; Cyrus C. Surgis; Robert H. Williams. 1st edition, 731 pages. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company, 1957. $11.00

L. W. Hackett
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This large book, ninth in the series, achieves a very complete, authoritative and lucid presentation of current thinking on the treatment and management of the whole imposing roll of human diseases from allergies to zoster; it is not concerned at all with diagnosis. It is made up of contributions from 300 well-known physicians who seem to have been very carefully drawn from every section of the U. S. (32 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) and from five foreign countries. While not compiled with the tropical practitioner in mind, the book nevertheless gives up-to-date coverage of the treatment and prophylaxis of “infectious” diseases, an elastic category which is here stretched to include botulism and mushroom poisoning as well as the animal parasites. In this section and throughout the book, the names of many authors well-known to almost every reader of medical scientific literature are an earnest of the high quality of the collected articles.

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