Leishmania colombiensis in Venezuela

Olinda Delgado Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Instituto de Biomedicina, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Biology Department, Youngstown State University, Caracas, Venezuela

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Marianella Castes Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Instituto de Biomedicina, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Biology Department, Youngstown State University, Caracas, Venezuela

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A. Clinton White Jr Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Instituto de Biomedicina, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Biology Department, Youngstown State University, Caracas, Venezuela

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Richard D. Kreutzer Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Instituto de Biomedicina, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Biology Department, Youngstown State University, Caracas, Venezuela

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Flagellate parasites isolated in Venezuela from bone marrow aspirates of a human (MHOM/VE/70/Chuao) and a dog (MCAN/VE/72/Talisman2) were subsequently identified by isozyme analysis as Leishmania colombiensis. Data are presented describing genetic similarity among Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela populations of this species.

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