Coenuriasis in a Spectacled Langur (Presbytis Obscura): Praziquantel Treatment and the Antibody Response to Cyst Antigens

Todd C. Price Baylor College of Medicine and Houston Zoological Gardens, Houston, Texas

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Marc H. Dresden Baylor College of Medicine and Houston Zoological Gardens, Houston, Texas

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Thomas Alvarado Baylor College of Medicine and Houston Zoological Gardens, Houston, Texas

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Joseph Flanagan Baylor College of Medicine and Houston Zoological Gardens, Houston, Texas

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Cynthia L. Chappell Baylor College of Medicine and Houston Zoological Gardens, Houston, Texas

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A diagnosis of coenuriasis was made in a spectacled langur raised in captivity. Multiple cysts removed from the subcutaneous tissues and later from the abdominal cavity were identified as coenuri, typical of the genus Taenia. Post-surgical treatment of the remaining cysts with praziquantel was assessed with whole body computerized tomography (CT). CT at 6 weeks post-treatment revealed a reduction in size and increased calcification of abdominal cysts as compared to pretreatment CT. Cyst fluid antigens in ELISA assays showed a high titer (1:5,120) IgG response in the langur serum, while no IgM response could be detected. No decrease in IgG titer was seen 6 weeks after treatment. Immunoblot analyses identified several parasite-specific antigens with apparent molecular weights of > 92.5 (3 bands), 88, 41, 37, and 34 kDa.

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