Intraocular Filariasis: a Brief Review

P. C. Beaver Department of Tropical Medicine, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112

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Fifty-six cases of human intraocular filariasis have been reported. In 6, the objects interpreted as filariae may have been artifacts. In 8, a motile worm that apparently was not a filaria was observed. In the remainder, a motile filaria or filaria-like worm was observed, but in only 6 cases were the filariae removed from the eye, described, and identified. Three of these were identified as Dipetalonema spp., and one each as Wuchereria, Dirofilaria, and Loaina. In 10 cases, filariae were removed and identified as Loa loa (6) or Wuchereria bancrofti (4) but without a supporting description. A filaria was removed but not satisfactorily described or identified in 8 cases, spontaneously disappeared in 4, died following treatment in 4, and met unreported fates in seven. For 3 the original reports were inaccessible. Records of intraocular filariae that are not supported by morphological description are questionable.

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