Editor's Page: Journal Referees

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This list terminated as of 28 February 1987, when the May issue of the Journal was completed. Each of the 94 articles in Volume 36 has been seen by two or more of the colleagues listed below. These referees also have seen manuscripts that are still under review or have been rejected.

Current members of the Editorial Board are A. S. Benenson, Charles H. Calisher, Allen W. Cheever, Joel M. Dalrymple, Carter L. Diggs, James L. Hardy, Rodney C. Jung, Llewelyn J. Legters, Edgar J. Martin, Thomas P. Monath, Harry Most, Franklin A. Neva, S. Michael Phillips, Robin D. Powell, Alexis Shelokov, Robert E. Shope, Diane W. Taylor, Harold Trapido, Thomas H. Weller, and Thomas M. Yuill. Despite heavy teaching and research programs, field trips, and illnesses each of these individuals has seen and served as referee on an average of 5 manuscripts, one having seen as many as 13.

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