Essential Malariology

Second edition, by Leonard Jan Bruce-Chwatt. xii + 452 pages, illustrated. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10158. 1985

Robin D. Powell College of Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0084

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The book's concluding comments are that: “The old generation of ‘blood, mud and sweat’ malariologists has nearly disappeared and much of their experience has been largely forgotten. The author of the present book hopes that he has contributed to forging a link between the not too distant past and the new generation of specialists in tropical community health.”

The author's determination to achieve the impossible—namely, coherently convey key elements of the gamut of rapidly expanding bases of information on malaria—offers proof that the generalist need not settle for merely synopsizing. Professor Bruce-Chwatt conveys the picture so that students, young or old, generalist or specialist, can grasp where we are at, across the board, in efforts to understand and thwart malaria.

The book has use as a basic training text, as a source of specifics on many elements of field methodology, and as a means to acquire broad insight.

Author Notes
