Cardiopatias Parasitarias (Parasitic Heart Diseases)

by Arturo Arribada C. and Werner Apt-Baruch. 289 pages, illustrated. Ediciones de la Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Medicina Sur, Santiago, Chile (may be ordered from Dr. Claudio Miranda, Treasurer, Chilean Society of Parasitology, Box 5277, Santiago 3, Chile). 1980. $35.00 (paperback)

J. K. Frenkel Department of Pathology and Oncology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas 66103

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This monograph covers parasitic heart disease due to Entamoeba, Naegleria, T. cruzi, African trypanosomiasis, Leishmania, malaria, sarcosporidia, Toxoplasma, schistosomes, Heterophyes, Echinococcus, Cysticercus, Trichinella, visceral larva migrans, hookworm, Strongyloides, filaria, and Trichuris. The epidemiology, pathogenesis, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis are covered for all conditions. Detailed descriptions of Chagas' disease and toxoplasmosis include electrocardiograms, radiographs, the results of blood volume and hemodynamic studies, differential diagnosis, prognosis, histopathology, and serologic diagnosis. Chagas' disease is discussed in greatest detail based on patients studied, as well as on seroepidemiologic surveys in Chile using the indirect hemagglutination test.

Many of the 65+ photographs are in color, but some photomicrographs are too little magnified to demonstrate what they intend (Fig. 27), there is a double exposure (Fig. 56), and some are out of focus (Fig. 65) or have poor color rendition (Fig. 29). References are provided from the English and Spanish literature for each of the conditions listed.

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