The Penetration-Time for the Cercariae of Schistosoma Japonicum

Chiatung Pan Medical Zoology Department, 406th Medical General Laboratory

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R. R. Williams Medical Zoology Department, 406th Medical General Laboratory

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L. S. Ritchie Medical Zoology Department, 406th Medical General Laboratory

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It has been demonstrated that near-maximum infections of Schistosoma japonicum can be achieved with three minute exposures terminated with immediate drying. For mice the recovery of cercariae as adults was 52.0 per cent, while for hamsters, 97.7 per cent. For all exposures under three minutes, only mimimal recovery of cercariae was achieved. Infections occurred in mice and hamsters after contact periods as short as 10 and 30 seconds, respectively, and such periods were highly effective when air-drying followed.

Author Notes

406th Med. Gen. Lab. and Harvard School of Public Health.

Corporal, Med. Dept., U. S. Army.

Professional Adviser to the Department.

APO 500, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, California.
