Introduction of Leonardo J. Mata as Charles Franklin Craig Lecturer for 1973

Robert S. Desowitz Department of Tropical Medicine and Medical Microbiology, University of Hawaii School of Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816

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The three members of this year's Craig Lecture Committee were spaced as widely apart as national geography allows: Dr. von Lichtenberg in Boston, Dr. Schwartzwelder in New Orleans, and myself in Honolulu. It was then by a process that can be described as postal triangulation that we navigated to today's speaker, Dr. Leonardo J. Mata. It is, I believe, a tribute to Dr. Mata's excellence that the unanimous nomination of a Craig Lecturer associated with the field of nutrition was made by a committee composed entirely of self-confessed medical parasitologists. Perhaps this was a response to the dietary etymological roots of our calling but, more importantly, it reflects the concern of all of us with one of the great issues of our times, the starvation of the poor peoples of the tropical world.

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