Serologic Survey for Agglutinins to Brucella Canis in Florida Residents

Gerald L. Hoff Veterinary Public Health Section and Bureau of Laboratories, Florida Division of Health, Jacksonville, Florida 32201

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Nathan J. Schneider Veterinary Public Health Section and Bureau of Laboratories, Florida Division of Health, Jacksonville, Florida 32201

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A serologic survey of 303 Florida residents, whose ages ranged from 1 week to 80 years, was conducted to detect agglutinin titers to Brucella canis, a zoonotic pathogen of man. The sera of 3 persons demonstrated reactivity to this bacterium; however, only 1 individual was considered to have a positive titer. The results of this and other reported serologic surveys in man, plus five clinical cases of non-laboratory associated origin, suggest that transmission of B. canis from dog to man does not readily occur.

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